About Ckiara Nation

 I have a burning passion and love for my work. I have suffered hell in the past, directly related to the status quo’s illogical indoctrination of sensual and sex shame! I had my child stolen by the system. I relented and stood my ground against their sexual and female role ideology… to both my own and my sons’ pain! Had I surrendered most likely I wouldn’t be here because I would have sold my soul!

This show is so that his growing up age 8 to 20 without me! I just don’t believe in this sex shame bullshit!! This World is for all! No exception! I still hold to my belief, there is nothing to shame oneself about in the arena of what consenting adults do in their personal lives with each other! If I were committing genocide or starving millions or co-“whore” ting with politicians, rulers, “dick” tators and big business that creates suffering…I’d be ashamed!

Ereshkigal in the Flesh
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