Goddess Justine the Badd Gramma Episode 18

The Goddess Mistress Justine Badd Gramma stopped into my studio for an on-camera chat!
points of our discussion were:
*First off We have a message for YouTUBE regarding its double standards what we deem hypocrisy! and the unjust removal of Badd Grandmas Youtube Channel,
*We Emphasize: Stop cowering to Big Brother Sister Corporations behind censorship, repression, and personal growth…
 We Kindly ask Patriarchy to control their sperm count and erectile function or dysfunction and leave women’s body and womb to each their own!
 Calling out Techs (who are futurists yet latch on to outdated morals), Google, Social media Administrators, Monitors, CEOs, and Audience about subservience, closed-mindedness, deliberate ignorance, scapegoating, and standing up to bullies! If we wanna change the world we need to change our minds! Outdated beliefs, morals, and wrongs need to be addressed so that the past no longer bleeds into the present!

Mistress Justine Badd Gramma


¡Se detuvo en mi estudio para charlar en cámara! Los puntos de nuestra discusión fueron:

* En primer lugar, tenemos un mensaje para YouTUBE sobre su doble rasero, ¡lo que consideramos hipocresía! y la injusta eliminación del canal de Youtube de Badd Grammas.

* Enfatizamos: Deje de acobardarse ante las corporaciones hermanas del Gran Hermano detrás de la censura, la represión y el crecimiento personal.

*Le pedimos amablemente al Patriarcado que controle el conteo de espermatozoides y la función o disfunción eréctil y deje el cuerpo y el útero de la mujer a cada uno por su cuenta!

*Llamar a los técnicos (que son futuristas pero se aferran a la moral obsoleta), Google, los administradores de redes sociales, los monitores, el director ejecutivo y la audiencia sobre la servidumbre, la mentalidad cerrada, la ignorancia deliberada, chivos expiatorios y enfrentarse a los matones!

 If I were committing genocide or starving millions or co-“whore” ting with politicians, rulers, “dick” tators, and big business that creates unnecessary suffering, so that a few can have more than they could want or thumb their nose at people…I’d be ashamed!
About the Author
Hello Everyone Welcome to Ckiara Nation! My name is Ckiara Rose, the hostess of Ckiara Nation. We are a vlog and podcast for adults to speak freely and frankly about sexuality, gender, politics, spirituality, and human rights and how they intersect with history and the world today. Our mission is to advocate for responsible and consensual dialogue rather than violence, bigotry, and discrimination. Fans and listeners, “The Nation”, my guests and guest co-hosts, and EVEN our naysayers are part of the chat. Clearing up stigmas and myths of marginalized groups such as LGBT, Sex Workers/adult entertainers, and the religious with a mix of in-depth research, compassion, humor, and no holds barred dialogue about what we want to see in the future. About Our Ckiara Nation I have a burning passion and love for my work. I have suffered hell in the past, directly related to the status quo’s illogical indoctrination of sensual and sex shame! I had my child stolen by the system. I relented and stood my ground against their sexual and female role ideology… to both my own and my sons’ pain! Had I surrendered most likely I wouldn’t be here because I would have sold my soul!   If I were committing genocide or starving millions or co-“whore” ting with politicians, rulers, “dick” tators, and big business that creates unnecessary suffering, so that a few can have more than they could want or thumb their nose at people…I’d be ashamed!
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