It Comes Naturally

No longer able to keep her secret, Ckiara reveals her millennia-old mission to restore balance to Earth and beyond. Forced to die and be born again for thousands of years, in her most recent reincarnation, the Hor temple priestess, reveals to columnist and client, Dameon Derriere, her curse from the sages, gods, and oracles of her time for revealing the powers of the feminine and sexuality to help a soldier she rescued.

She is forced lifetime after life time to take in her role and develop other talents to be consistent with the times.

In this film, revisit Ckiara’s last life and quest to teach that in the end, there’s nothing wrong with being nurturing and expressive to your individual primal ancient need and that your nature is yours no one can dictate your nature! And surrendering to it comes naturally!
There are more film scriipts and potential documovies where she revisits her many lives.

Ckiara Rose; real name, Ercell V.M. Rima-Fleurima, is a human rights activist, mother, sex worker, entertainer, and writer. Born into a thunderstorm in the central American sovereign Indigenous nation of Miskito Coast, to political exile freedom fighter stock, sticking to the status quo isn’t in her DNA. Filmmaking is the newest notch in her takedown of bigotry!

Director’s Statement
A great priestess, the Harlot Scarlet, once told me. Ckiara, sometimes you have to do things your own way. Ideas are taken and groups fight with each other. Following her advice, in my newest life, I took on filmmaking to build on my idea that sexuality is a key point in self-acceptance and healing. Demonized for her human nature, Hor Priestess did not conform to cult indoctrination and thus punished through every life for millennia. In retaliation and for what’s right, she has made it her life mission to hold her freedom captors responsible – for something even they enjoy!

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