Welcome to another episode of Ckiara Nation This one is Extra Special Director Rachel Mason will be joining us to talk about NetFlick’s Documentary Circus of Books We also have guest hosts Josh Rotter from 48 hills a News, culture community and entertainment,Media site started in 2013,
dedicated its efforts local media that was being snatched up by greedy chains, beholden to corporate
interests, and were less concerned with in depth reporting on the issues that matter. We have Saycsar Fleurima from Rebel Twins Media, musician and Filmmaker And Bridget Activist for destigmatizing sexuality will give us a little background on herself we asked questions like: * Your parents look like they’d be into books but by no means one would ever guess they are running a gay book store pornographic one at that. What happened with the Government, * Kinda reminds me of Mr. Rogers or would that be Pee Wee Herman? What a crock that was! When Rachel parents kidney machine deal did not pan out and they needed money to support a family
based on their demeanor and how they came across on camera not knowing them and judging a book by it’s cover Throughout the whole film, I kept asking myself. *How did they agree, come to terms, then defend and stand their grounds, with Joe law on pornography? It was….Extraordinary! *Simon Leis Prosecutor in Idaho (there’s so many puns in my questions but I won’t go there)
spoke on Society, the family unit and how pornography and obscenity will hurt the family and destroy Society? * Rachel answers Ckiara’s question/statement: would I go as far to say that a closed mind society, who attacks people who obey their natural desires aren’t harming any one and no matter how close we are or related our biology, our physical needs, taste buds, sounds and sites all differ from person to person and by forcing people to confirm to things outside their then condemning them for personal decision is more a cult than society? *Josh Rotter from 48 hills Question SaycZee Fleurima questions and much more…. On Ckiara Nation
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