I have found that in life you don’t complain, plead, wallow and cry. You continue to build as they
try to sabotage and destroy you! You trust the source of all things, not another human to make
your life better. You will always struggle and be unhappy living for others’ approval and
The purposely ignorant and uncreative being will try to keep you down! But you must, keep on
keeping on!
Goddess God, Bless Africa, North-South, Central America, Asia, Middle East, Europe. May their
population find enlightenment and self thinkery.
All Women, Trans, LBGT, and all who have been chained down, forced to rely on only their ego,
(that keeps them, closed, fearful, from learning a better way of living) and the oppressed and
marginalized by a Self Loathing, Sadistic group of men and their women (of all self-loathing and
treacherous skin tones, not just the lighter ones)!
May the oppressor’s offspring discontinue their illusion of supremacy! May the oppressed
offspring stop putting their oppressors on pedestals then hating them at the same time. Claiming
supremacy-superior while your so-called inferior is tide or chained or gaged or under threat of
harm… Is hardly the mark of superiority! Wake up!
That is nothing more than really low inferior actions and traditions that need to end.
You can’t cowardly sabotage, go behind someone’s back, or be an accomplice by staying silent
or be in a clique that hurts, destroys others or excludes, out of jealousy, envy, the way someone
looks or expresses themselves. Then the act of being offended or being outraged by what
another does is that you see that in yourself.
The act of sabotage is, you see yourself on a lower scale and can’t compete, so instead, you
impede others’ progress.
You can’t fault patriarchal, colonial traditions, because you are doing the same thing. Human
beings are very intelligent of the species on the planet, but the stupidest most sheep-like on the
planet believe they are above all other species of nature but our actions are sometimes to the
depth of filth and rubbish.
We claim advancement but do primal, lazy and effortless thinking and believe intelligence is
measured by amounts reading and memorizing, some else’s ideas, opinions (but not forming
our own from what we learned.) We repeat like parrots words, quotes, memes, we don’t even
We use big dictionaries or foul language to show our level or lack of education (in my case lol)!
(I am not ashamed to make errors or be myself, thank Goddess God. Those I truly love and they
love me, my real friendships, who tell me to my face the good the bad. What is ugly about me,
so that I can choose to remedy it and grow and they are few. I am separating from falsehood
We use words and memes, unfriend people but practice nothing towards being the better world
we want on a personal level.
We remain silent or talk behind someone’s back, for fear of someone or everyone not liking us
but in the process we dislike ourselves!
I wish we learn from history not repeat it and honor those who gave their lives to change our
world. By continuing from where they left off. Instead, we wallow. In actions of the past and don’t
see how far we’ve gained momentum away from the injustice. We are ungrateful and entitled in
Western societies especially the US and cry complain when 65 % of the world’s human beings
live below poverty, victims of genocide and human degradation.
We are not talking about 65% of the world’s lives matter too!?
Some of those people have to shit in a hole in the ground and toilet paper is a luxury.
We are ignorant, self-centered, hypocrites, and wanna be anybody else but our loving,
vulnerable, and individual strong selves, all of us!
But we can change that by truly loving ourselves, honoring ourselves, self-thinking, teaching
and help.
By focusing on fixing our complexes and insecurities, through esoteric, spiritual, non
condemning or calling people sinners religions, books, gurus, we can heal ourselves individually
and then we can truly listen to ourselves and others, not the story we tell ourselves and hate
anyone else’s story that differs from ours.
That’s continued, colonial, patriarchal, racist, the master-slave language we repeat and see as a
culture, no longer the forced indoctrinated ideology it was and continues to be.
My motherland never had European conquest but was betrayed by the Spanish, Dutch, French,
or British from 1492 to the 1800s.
We kept our own identity. 129 years later we are being renamed, ethnically cleansed by the
same racist false superior mindset, who whipped into kidnapped enslaved people, that they
were no longer their birth-given name but a European name & God Character in their image.
Telling others you’re negroid, mongoloid, or subhuman not at all on authentically originally
identified themselves as!
I am a human being of a different breed of the same species capable of breeding with others of
the same species and creating another breed.
You are not better than me and I am not better than you! We just are.! Humans!
Stop going two steps forward 3 steps back in our human thought and relation evolution!