Welcome back to Ckiara Nation!
This week on Ckiara Nation, My Co-host Michael Ellsberg and I have as our guest the very fabulous terrific most excellent Carol Leigh also known as Harlot Scarlot. Yes indeed!
We discuss:
- Growing up and being sexually abused by shaming through the broader culture.
- Being Called a Madam by a “whatever side of the sex politics” is best for my career person.
- Why won’t Feminists listen to women who are telling them, “I have no issue with using my body to earn money. I am not being raped! This is my choice!
- SWERF’s deflecting personal sexual experience on others (not just sex workers, they tend to pretend to speak for society) and basing their movement from that, myth and misinformation not the broader experience or of each individual.
- Seeing how Human trafficking (FOSTA/SESTA) and AIDS against gays and casual sex participants before that has been used to promote anti sex liberties issues to the population, especially against, sex workers and any non-heterosexual, sex expression, preference or choice (Polyamory, Open & BDSM relationships).
- Do we look forward to COVID19 being a new reform or destructive weapon against those groups in the future?
- Social Controls and punitive actions towards those who are disobeying.
See the rest of the rest of Unrepentant Scarlet Harlot interview in its entirety and all the uncensored Ckiara Nation videos and talks at http://wordpress-537568-1718157.cloudwaysapps.com and our Podcast: https://anchor.fm/ckiara-nation
More on: www.CkiaraNation.com
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