Activist Sued 4 Constitiunal Rights Violation & Won $750,000 (Pt 1)
Health Care Activist & Former Sex Worker sued the City and County of San Francisco, an unlawful strip search when she got booked at the San Francisco County Jail. Victoria was born with both sexes and was assigned Male yet being and identifying as female and living as such, asked to be transferred to the women’s jail the police then conducted a strip search to determine her gender. Born intersex and assigned male. Victoria won her lawsuit and was awarded $750,000 in damages from a federal jury and we will hear about that, the constitution sticking up for your rights little breaks with cooking with cleavage, and some conversation about homelessness and the fun and lows of drug use…
Activist Sued 4 Constitiunal Rights Violation & Won $750,000 (Pt 1)
Health Care Activist & Former Sex Worker sued the City and County of San Francisco, an unlawful strip search when she got booked at the San Francisco County Jail. Victoria was born with both sexes and was assigned Male yet being and identifying as female and living as such, asked to be transferred to the women’s jail the police then conducted a strip search to determine her gender. Born intersex and assigned male. Victoria won her lawsuit and was awarded $750,000 in damages from a federal jury and we will hear about that, the constitution sticking up for your rights little breaks with cooking with cleavage, and some conversation about homelessness and the fun and lows of drug use…
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