Filtering Tag: Episode 06


Ckiara Nation Supports Lips’ goal “to highlight the widespread censorship and harassment faced by women, non-binary folks, & the LGBTQIA+ community on Instagram. We can (and should) put pressure on mainstream apps to change their ways. However, the changes necessary to adequately serve  – let alone actually elevate – our communities are COUNTLESS and would require radical restructuring to just about everything (i.e. hiring, business models, algorithmic data, etc.). Pronouns in our bios barely scratch the surface.”

They’ve laid the groundwork for a better solution…now, they need the community’s support.

LIPS: So that this is not a campaign without a solution, we invite you to let your audience know about Lips and direct your audience to the link in our bio ( or even better, put this link in your bio and encourage people to invest in a more inclusive internet. Our community can ~ and WILL ~ design a better platform, own the rights to it, and actually profit from the improvements that inclusivity brings. Feel free to invite your friends to participate in this campaign as well!

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