He and the other Billionaires and the masses in developed countries need to be figuring how to rid our planet of unnecessary poverty because the abundance is there. Master/Slave, Colonist, imperialistic, Marxist and Religious mentality is rampid and no one is taught to believe in themselves, to explore their own talents, creativity and self love esteem and respect which is very individual. So I wouldn’t hate on millionaire, billionaires, multi millionaire or hundreds of thousands-naires We are all poor if we are not wealthy from the inside out. If we put others on pedistals not our self admiration, one thing is being a fan, but we all should be fan of ourselves first and give ourselves applause. We should be who we try to make other people just doing themselves, be. We should work to end poverty on our planet by ending our own inner poverty and enjoy what each person accomplishes not just make the few into gods. They are just humans with alot of money. But how wealthy are you when you can see so much need around you and ignore it!? Just how much money does the Smithsonian need and how is the Smithsonian doing to salivate the needs of the poverty stricken to help them be educated, well informed and self-sufficient?
I don’t know. I am always happy to see how others make their dreams come true. Bit when they are stepping on people and having from the pain of others, it just crime. They hold no allure, nor jealousy, nor envy from me because that would mean I am attracted to that crime.
Wealth really is from the inside out. I have nothing materially (like luxuries, big home, big kitchen, ect):yet I feel so empowered and live my life free of indoctrination, free of caring of other actions, for ( all though I appreciate the positive) or against ( I can learn from what they are against, if I see a benefit I can change but if not, oh well).All I am saying is I can only wish that we globally enjoy abundantly what we value and stop hating those who aquire by good means. And those who do just not buy their products.