Welcome back to Ckiara Nation
We are at the conclusion of Tina Heals, Sacred Sexuality the reincarnation of priest/esses, in our modern world. Striving plans to reinitiate the human race in the respect and alchemy of sacred sexuality, Sacred “Hors” (original name from BC to the time of Romans when they coined prostitutes and it was changed to whores in other Abrahamic and Islamic influenced developed nations AD.
We’ve covered:
Tina Heals from Tinaheals.com, who is an Astrologist, Women’s History researcher, Bollywood writer, tarot card reader, and activist.
In parts 1 and 2 she gave us a small bio and initiated us into the secrets of the Universe, planets, sacred sexuality, cancer sign, revered ancestral temple Priestess aka Sex workers path from incarnation.
*BDSM can heal men*The path to Sacred sexuality in modern times,
*A little on our female hidden histories (female warriors),
*Females writers writing as men, the second sex
*Sex as a tool for healing and much more!
Note: Dear followers, likers and subscribers,
We at Ckiara Nation Family, have had a family issue and terrible scare and because one person does 70% schedule has been off. We are working to fix that.
The honest truth is that my mother, had a possible leukemia diagnosis and then my sister is moving with her husband back to Tampa and taking her with her.
In an attempt to keep her here, moving her stuff and Storing it with our dear friend Dennis Jacobs, while also bending to her refusal to go get the necessary tests, she was plagued with headaches and dizzy spells and finally, she was seen and went for emergency surgery, but it was postponed as the tumor is to small and the surgeon decided its better to run more test then cut her head open and put her on testosterone. I am deeply overwhelmed with taking on all her duties to her foundation, shooting a movie, taking clients and odd jobs, and doing this show. so bare with me/us, here at Ckiaranation. I’d like to extend a very huge hug and love to all those who have and continue to help me regardless of my strong character! Life is so short and we need to love one and other for its the best feeling in the world. We can’t love when we are dead so love those you love and tell them you love them every day and show them you love them even if they hate you give love, it’s the only way to change ourselves and our world for future generations to come
Thank you guys for tunning in.
Here we give you the conclusion of Tina from Tina heals
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